"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia
Globally, we're in some tough times. These past couple of years especially, have weighed heavy on many of us (some heavier than others). We'd never know a person's true mental, until they've hit rock-rock bottom, or after receiving that devastating news about them. I'm VERY aware of those behind-closed-doors scenarios; knowing that there are many of you out there who do well with covering up (let that marinate). That's why I try my best to give compliments to strangers especially. If I see a beautiful sister, I walk up to her, and let her know. If something looks nice on a guy, I point it out to him. If a kid has shown great behavior in line, while at the store, I grab a snack to purchase for a job well done. Moral of the story, you just never know whose day you'll make with a simple gesture; how it gave them hope when feeling hopeless.
While we're on the subject of being nice and what-not, let's talk about the difference between being nice vs being taken advantage of in business. I'm confident when I assume that those of you in business reading this, have come in contact with the "hook-up gang" (hooked up with a discount; wanting something for nothing, because it's YOU, or because it's "for the culture"). Here's a message that I shared via my Facebook page several weeks ago: "When you learn how much you're WORTH, you'll stop giving people DISCOUNTS." To further add: discounts should come as YOU please, not TO please. Remember, no one has EVER tried to re-negotiate Michael Jordan's prices. Know your products and services, then make them recognize and realize.
Did you all realize what this month is??? YES, it's production month; THE anticipated production, MY production, "Loving You" A Stage Play.
I am SO EXCITED, as we, the entire team, have been rehearsing diligently since May. You don't want to miss this show, as the day will be an experience. Check out the agenda (which includes shopping with local businesses), as well as get your tickets HERE Don't forget to spread the word to your peeps. It will be a GREAT night out for all. I hope to see you there!
Let me leave you with a RAFFLE: be the first to email me with the subject line "Give me my Tickets," and WIN two (2) FREE tickets to the show. A stage play AND concert for FREE...now that's the hook-up! Tell the gang to holla if they hear me (in my Master P voice)! See you at the play, and talk to you next month (xoxo)