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Our Story
Established September 17, 2015
Founder Ke'Ira Lewis reflected heavily on the level she wanted to take her business. She thought about the importance of having a support system while in the process of establishing an entity, pondering on exactly how many women, who were in the need of support such as networking, mentorship, and encouragement, existed. She then reflected on the statistic that women couldn't get along when joined together.
A vision to create a coalition of female entrepreneurs manifested. With the help of two friends, the name We Rise by Design: Women Entrepreneurs formulated. We Rise serves as a networking platform for the promoting and enrichment of businesses and organizations founded by women. We achieve this via monthly and yearly events that allows us to share our excellence, while building one another up through connectivity, entrepreneurial growth, and sisterhood.
What we Do
What we Do
Monthly Enrichment Workshops
Vendor Opportunities
We Rise Apparel
Yearly Retreats
Member Marketing
Monthly Member Highlight
Exclusive Networking
Member-to-Member Mentorship
Youth Scholarship Program
& other member-only perks
Surround yourself around likeminded women; by joining the We Rise movement. Simply click below, complete and submit the application, accompanied by your yearly due (starting at $40 a year).
Have additional questions regarding We Rise? Click below to connect with us!
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